Friday, November 27, 2015

I am thankful for...

Although I have a bit of moral apprehension about celebrating Thanksgiving in the historical sense, I do think that having at least one day in the year when you count your blessings is a positive thing. It would be better if this was done everyday, but I know life gets in the way sometimes. Today I want to recognize just a few things, in the much larger list, that I am thankful for.

My friends and family
I am so lucky to have such a supportive group of people surrounding me. On a daily basis, they send me inspiring emails. When I'm lucky enough to be able to video chat with them, they make me laugh and cry and smile so hard. And about once a month, I get a heartwarming care package from them filled with snacks and hot sauce. I've said this many times before, I couldn't do this journey without them.

My cat- Miley
Ok, I know some people are going to call me a crazy cat lady now. But in all honesty, I am. I love my little mischievous lady and she is so comforting to me. When she's not taking the smelliest poops, she's right by my side looking for love and attention. Watching her hunt bugs around the flat or getting her paws caught on things is a constant source of entertainment.

My roommate, my bestie, the Taco to my Nacho- Julia
This insane lady is by my side 24/7. (Like literally, sometimes we fall asleep next to each other.) Listening to her overthink her problems, wondering out loud when Josh and Donna will get together, making whale moan noises, and occasionally koala-ing me makes my life very interesting. But in all seriousness, I'm so glad I have such a cool person to share this experience with.

My community
I love my new site. I really couldn't be happier with my new placement and project. I finally feel like I am working towards a goal and making a lasting impact on the people I work with. Everyone here has been so welcoming. Aside from a few crazies and annoyances, this town is starting to feel like another home to me. Plus there is the cafe where I can get a bacon, avocado, chicken burgers daily (and do)- so bonus!

Peace Corps
As much as I can complain sometimes, I am incredibly thankful for this experience and I wouldn't be here without Peace Corps. After months and months of waiting and paperwork, they selected me to come to Namibia. They essentially helped me make a lifetime dream come through and my life will be forever changed because of them.

Again, these are just a few of the major things I am thankful for this year. My list goes well beyond these pieces of my life.

Honorable mentions include: West Wing, air conditioning, Cholula, Mindy Kaling, iced coffee, pumice stones, sunshine, homemade popcorn, my kindle, Texas A&M, Buzzfeed, avocados, Mr. Bates, Justin Bieber's Sorry music video, mug cakes, my Nalgene- and many, many more. 

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