Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Mean Mug

It's Funfetti!
I have started a new habit and it's not necessarily the healthiest, but it does rank high on the delicious scale. Because we do not have an oven and my Spar bakery doesn't make my type of baked good, I crave my sinful American sweets. Luckily, I found a pretty easy way to satisfy that craving. This is not a new concept by any means, but it's a good way for PCVs to get their pastry fix in. You simply put any cake/brownie/cookie/muffin mix into a coffee mug and bake it in the microwave. Here is how I go about it:

  1. Either make your own mix or buy any box that entices you at the store.
  2. Pour a reasonable amount of the mix into a bowl. (I think it ends up being like a cup)
  3. Mix in one egg, about 2 tablespoons oil, and about 2 tablespoons water. The consistency should be on the thicker side. 
  4. Oil or butter your selected mug so the entire surface is covered. 
  5. Pour in your mix. It should be a maximum of halfway up the mug. Otherwise it will spill over in the microwave. 
  6. Turn your microwave to medium power
  7. Cook for about 2-3 minutes or until a knife comes out clean. 
  8. Eat it on up. Just don't burn your mouth. Ouch!
It's that simple. They taste just like they came out of the oven and it's a decent way to go about portion control. Unless you are like me and sometimes you make two, but that's another problem all together. Go forth and enjoy your pastries my friend! 

Here are some recipes from 

Disclaimer: I am eating a mug brownie as I write this. But I have no time to take a picture of it... because I'm enjoying it too much to stop. 

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