Monday, November 9, 2015

The Peanut Butter to my Jelly

Being in the Peace Corps is not easy by any means- sometimes you experience incredibly high highs and incredibly low lows, all within the same hour. I'm lucky enough to have a support system surrounding me that you should be quite jealous of. (#squadgoals) I've decided to start a series of posts highlighting some of these people that make the hardest days just a little bit easier. Whether I'm in a puddle of tears or so giddy I can't stop snort laughing, they are part of this experience with me. Without them, I'm positive I couldn't make it through the next year and a half.

To start off, I'm going to highlight my main lady. She's the ride or die type. She would shank someone to protect me. We have had 26 years together and although there were rough patches in there, I wouldn't trade her love and support for anything in this world. Not even for the love of James Franco (and you guys know how serious that is for me.) It's my sister/mom/best friend Morgan.

Morgan has fulfilled many roles in my life. She has been the hardass mentor, always pushing me to try harder and be better. She has been my shoulder to cry on, or I guess more often to blabber on Facetime to. She will be my lifelong dance partner, always ready to throw out her classic pancake dance move. We can debate Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor for hours. I expect her to call me out when I'm being a basic bitch. And in return, I help her pick out clothes that don't give her a mom ass and cover her unusually long torso.

Even though we are like 6,500 miles away from each other, she is available anytime I need her. She has supported me on my Peace Corps journey since the day I called her and casually said I had applied. She was the first person I called when I got my nomination and invitation. And she was my last pep talk before I got on the plane. When all I want to do is quit, she talks me through it. She never pushes me one way or the other, even though I am sure selfishly she would prefer I was at home having dance parties with her. I love her with all my heart. And I am thankful for her.

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